Tuesday, April 28, 2015

#BeraniLebih Untuk Menjadi Entrepreneur

Waktu gue lulus kuliah, gue bertekad untuk kerja dibidang yang sesuai dengan passion gue. Mulai dari pingin kerja di majalah fashion sampai kerja dengan designer. Mempunyai clothing line sendiri juga salah satu impian gue. Waktu gue kuliah, gue punya bisnis online yaitu baju yang gue lukis sendiri. Tadinya gue membuka usaha itu karena gue suka nonton konser dan pas gue pakai baju buatan gue sendiri ternyata banyak yang tertarik untuk punya baju tersebut. Awalnya mama sempat ragu, “Siapa yang mau beli baju gambaran kamu sendiri?”. Denger kata-kata itu gue jadi pingin buktiin kalau bisnis gue ini pasti menghasilkan uang. Ternyata hasilnya lumayan untuk uang saku gue.

Ketika gue lulus kuliah, gue kesulitan mendapatkan pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan passion gue. Gue pun memutuskan untuk menjadikan bisnis baju gue ini sebagai penghasilan utama. Dikala temen-temen gue udah banyak yang kerja kantoran dengan penghasilan tetap setiap bulannya, gue masih berusaha untuk membesarkan bisnis baju gue ini. Takut itu udah pasti. Brand gue bisa dibilang masih kecil, pendapatan perbulan juga belum stabil. Kadang penjualan tinggi, kadang menurun. Padahal tagihan internet,pulsa hp,tv kabel tetap harus dibayar setiap bulannya. Tapi gue harus #BeraniLebih percaya kalau selama kita punya passion disuatu bidang dan kita mendedikasikan waktu kita dengan serius, pasti  kita bakal mencapai kesuksesan. Kalau penjualan lagi turun, berarti tandanya kita harus lebih kreatif lagi.

Memang semua nggak instant. Nggak jarang gue denger orang bilang “kalau lo nggak kerja kantoran itu namanya bukan kerja” atau “udah disekolahin tinggi-tinggi tapi malah hanya buka online shop aja”. Sakit sih denger gitu, tapi kalau kalian terus pusing mikirin apa pendapat orang, terus  nasib impian kalian gimana? Pertanyaannya bukan ‘Orang bakal mikir apa ya?’ tapi pertanyaan yang harus kalian pikirkan adalah ‘apa yang bisa bikin gue bahagia dalam bekerja?’ dan ‘Bagaimana cara untuk mendapatkannya?’. Ketika gue berpikir seperti itu, gue #BeraniLebih semangat untuk buktiin kalau jadi entrepreneur itu bisa menyusul kesuksesan orang-orang kantoran.

Perjalanannya pasti panjang, tapi disitu serunya. Sebagai entrepreneur, kita bekerja sesuai dengan passion kita, untuk brand kita sendiri, dan disitu kita bisa ngerasain perjalanan yang luar biasa. Ketika kamu mau menyerah, ingat aja kenapa dulu kamu memulainya. Terkadang kita suka mendengar teman yang berkata “Enak ya jadi lo, kerjanya nyantai.” Gue hanya bisa ketawa sih. Karena entrepreneur itu nggak punya jam kerja, kita harus bisa disiplin dengan waktu kita sendiri dan jujur aja jam kerja gue itu melebihi jam kantoran. Gue jam 1 pagi kadang masih aja sibuk bikin baju, karena gue kerja sendiri. Tapi karena ini passion gue, gue pun seneng aja menjalaninya. Gue pun mendapatkan kepuasan tersendiri ketika gue menyadari kalau pendapatan gue sekarang lebih besar daripada perusahaan yang pernah gue datangi untuk interview kerja.

Menjadi entrepreneur memang beresiko, tapi lebih baik beresiko daripada menyesal dikemudian hari. Kalau kalian gagal bukan berarti itu akhir dari perjalanan kalian. Kegagalan itu adalah pelajaran yang bisa bikin kalian lebih baik lagi kedepannya. Karena pada akhirnya, hanya kalian yang bisa memutuskan untuk bisa bahagia. Dan untuk mencapai titik tersebut, kalian harus #BeraniLebih untuk percaya dengan kemampuan kalian untuk mewujudkan impian.


Saturday, April 18, 2015

Short Vaycay

Skull T-Shirt // Mango
High Waist Shorts // Forever 21
Sandals // Montego Bay Club

Last week I have a day to spent a weekend getaway to Lembang, Bandung. It was a very short trip but it was fun! We went to Kampung Gajah Wonderland, have you ever go there? I also met my long lost friend: Bart Simpsons, the one and only El Barto. When I was there, I'm mostly enjoy the view and eat a lot of food as always, culinary is my favorite part when I go anywhere. But I'm definitely went to my favorite ride.

My friend and I went to a House of Terror, as always creepy thing is my favorite. We have to go upstairs before we start the ride and as we enter the gate, we could hear a very creepy song and yes, that was so loud. What makes this house even scarier is there's no one enter the House, so it's gonna be the two of us on the ride. As the ride is started, we can't see anything because it's totally dark until suddenly someone scream and running toward us and he looks like a monster (well he tried to be a monster or devil or anything scary) and he just a few inch from my side. My friend and I scream like a maniac! I didn't expect that he'll appear on my side hahaha. And as we continue the ride, there's a lot of creepy moving statue, babies crying, ghost are waking up from their coffin, a scary women chopped her head in the shower and a lot of scary ghost that I can't describe one by one. I think the song and the sounds like someone beat a drum make us scare and the atmosphere of course. The ride feels like forever but I love this ride so much! When a haunted house could make me scare, that means the ride is great. And here's the entrance of The House of Terror.

Monday, April 6, 2015

April Wish List: Urban Outfitters

This weekend I will have a short weekend getaway. Need to get out from the big city for a while! But before a short holiday, I'm thinking about my April Wish List for my wardrobe. Browsing through Urban Outfitters and it's so hard to pick my favorite items. But I finally decide I need these stuff and it seems perfect for my weekend getaway.

1. Floral Printed Shorts
Matching floral top and shorts. Love the high rise waist and the prints because it's not too much, seems fun for a weekend getaway or even for a Spring Festival.
Bungalow Printed Short

2. Short Overall
I miss wearing overall, back in the 90's when my mom love to dress me up with overall. I'm really into the soft printed stuff lately and this overall is what I really need right now.
Semis Endi Short Overall

3. Airy Cardigan
Light and Airy cardigan is my favorite because the weather in my country is too hot sometimes. And wearing this kind of oversized cardigan is really comfortable. Also, you could create a boho style with this cardigan. Plus semi sheer knit cut long with dolman style short sleeves, could it get any better?
Ecote Layla Cardigan

4. Skytop Sneaker
I'm a huge fan of sneakers! Especially a high-top sneaker and I love this monochromatic sneakers. Nothing could beat a pair of sneakers for a holiday.
Supra Skytop Sneaker

I just realize I want a lot of white clothes this month. Try to brighten my mood, I guess but that's my wish list so far. Which one do you like the most? Let me know

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

March Madness Recap

1. Blogger at Indonesian Fashion Week 2015.
Having so much fun blogging for Indonesian Fashion Week 2015. Snap a lot of photos at the Fashion Show, tried to eat super fast on the food truck because we have to catch up to the next fashion show and running back and forth with 13 inch ankle boots, ain't it fun?

2. Kue Cubit Experience
Helping my mom to start her food business, modern kue cubit (traditional snack from Indonesia, if you translate it: pinch cake). Before she try to make it, we went to a lot of fancy kue cubit places as a research and for my tummy pleassure. Red Velvet kue cubit is the best and I kinda like the bubblegum flavour too.

3. Got a Friendship ring & necklace
Finally reunite with my best friends from college after almost a year. We bought ourselves a friendship ring and necklace as we went to Cibubur together for a weekend getaway.

4. One Direction came to Indonesia
I have a huge crush on Louis Tomlinson & like their songs but to be honest I wasn't a huge fan until they went to Jakarta. It started on my clothing line twitter when I defend a lot of Directioners who can't meet them because the hide and seek drama with the music promoters. I didn't realize I drag myself to the fandom and love them even more and more and more, cause I can love you more than this! hahaha. And march is also the biggest One Direction drama of all time, here's the summary:
- Louis broke up
- Zayn cheating rumors
- Zayn didn't make it to Jakarta
- Zayn leaving 1D
- Louis slay Naughtyboy (Hail to Louis!)
- Zayn new single with Naughtyboy
- Someone throw a lightstick and hit Harry in the eye (This should be part of the tragic story too)
The funniest thing is after all those tragic things, I love them even more! #sorrynotsorry

5. Selling In The Park
My friend and I embrace our entrepreneur spirit at the park. Selling vintage goods and kue cubit green tea! It was so fun and we also visit a group of women's house to sell the clothes and we sold a lot of stuff. They spent a lot of cash for our stuff and they are also so nice.

Well, that's the summary of my march madness. I wish April would be a better month!